Do you have cellular reception problems in your home, business, or vehicle?
Would you like to improve the signal strength in any of these areas?
Cellular Boosters or Repeaters or Signal Enhancers amplify wireless carrier signals from their towers. A reliable repeater can enhance many radio signals simultaneously from several carriers such as AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, or T-Mobile.
The repeaters we sell are easy to install and inexpensive.


WHAT MAKES ViZa different?
Why buy from us vs. our competition?
ViZa Wireless is staffed by a group of Radio Engineers that have decades of experience in helping our clients find the right solution for their needs.
ViZa Wireless provides email support for product selection.
ViZa Wireless only sells high quality radio repeaters that have excellent engineering support if there are problems with what you purchase.
ViZa Wireless can provide installation and testing services in many areas in the Midwest.
All of our products are backed up with a 2 Year Warranty for Home Products and 3 Year for Business Products.
Free shipping on all orders. No monthly fees.
Does not use WIFI network.
Q: Do I need an internet connection for the cell phone booster to work?
A: No, you don’t need an internet connection, but you do need an existing cell phone signal. If there is no existing signal, then you’re in a no service dead zone, meaning the amplifier cannot boost what isn’t there.
Q: Do I have to pay a monthly subscription fee?
A: There are NO ongoing fees. This is a one-time purchase with no need to pay any subscriptions.
Q: Who is VIZA Wireless and why are you different from the rest?
A: VIZA Wireless is a proud reseller of Wilson Electronics cell phone signal boosters. We’re located in the Midwest and believe in honesty and integrity. We know how important it is to get a good signal and are passionate about delivering this solution to so many who need it. We believe in these products and know you will be completely satisfied!
Q: How do I find the nearest cell tower?
A: For the app user, OpenSignal’s Signal Booster and Akelon’s Signal Finder (both on iPhone and Android) are excellent apps with tower locations and compass directions.
For the technically-minded or would want to be as accurate as possible, you can use your phone settings to read decibel (dB) gain. Cell phone signals are measured from -50 to -113, -50 being full strength and -113 being a no service zone. So by walking around the perimeter of your home in field test mode, you can read the dB gain to see where the incoming signal is strongest. Just remember, the closer it gets to 0, the stronger the signal.
Here are the options to display dB gain reading on your phone:
For iPhone: choose phone mode, dial *3001#12345#* then press Call.
For Android: go to Phone settings, About Phone, +Status, Signal Strength
For Blackberry: select Tools, Settings, Status, or Option, Status.
Q: What’s the difference between 3G and 4G?
A: 3G handles talk, text, email, and basic internet use. 4G does all of 3G functions plus fast internet. Data-heavy apps and programs such as YouTube, Netflix, Pandora, Spotify, Facebook, Google Maps, Google Chrome, etc. require lots of bandwidth, so 4G speeds would be more suitable. If you’re just looking to boost talk and text, a 3G amplifier would do fine. If you need fast internet, a 4G amplifier is your answer.
Have a question, reach us!